I of the Storm Class on Tuesday's from June 21st – July 19th

I of the Storm Class with Rev. Elizabeth Longo

Based on the Book: The I of the Storm by Gary Simmons
Every Tuesday: June 21st – July 19th
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MT
Where: Zoom
Suggested Love Offering: $75.00

You can purchase the book on Amazon if you would like your own copy.

“There is no true path without a center. With the center the mind, body, and spirit merge. Passion and commitment unleash. A force that cannot be contained.” – Thomas Crum

Is your soul longing for peace and fulfillment? In this class we will be exploring the principles of peacemaking in all aspects of your life. Discover the skills to stay centered and at peace no matter what the circumstances.

Develop your best qualities and function from your heart center to be “who you came here to be,” as you acquire the skill sets to put spiritual principles into practice.

You will learn how to embrace and navigate change with ease. There is nothing that is without movement, without change. Everything is either coming into existence developing, decaying, or going out of existence. Change and movement are the heartbeat of the universe. When change or movement is resisted or when energy patterns intersect, shock waves are created.


I of the Storm Class with Rev. Elizabeth Longo

Based on the Book: The I of the Storm by Gary Simmons
Every Tuesday: June 21st – July 19th
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MT
Where: Zoom
Suggested Love Offering: $75.00

You can purchase the book on Amazon if you would like your own copy.

“There is no true path without a center. With the center the mind, body, and spirit merge. Passion and commitment unleash. A force that cannot be contained.” – Thomas Crum

Is your soul longing for peace and fulfillment? In this class we will be exploring the principles of peacemaking in all aspects of your life. Discover the skills to stay centered and at peace no matter what the circumstances.

Develop your best qualities and function from your heart center to be “who you came here to be,” as you acquire the skill sets to put spiritual principles into practice.

You will learn how to embrace and navigate change with ease. There is nothing that is without movement, without change. Everything is either coming into existence developing, decaying, or going out of existence. Change and movement are the heartbeat of the universe. When change or movement is resisted or when energy patterns intersect, shock waves are created.